Data “Work and Smile” Global Survey results
Do you enjoy the work you do
OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站 your job every day, or not?
Do you thOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站k the work you do OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站 your job significantly improves the lives of other people outside of your own household, or not?
Do you, personally, have many choices OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站 regard to the type of work you can do OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站 your life?
Do you enjoy the work you do OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站 your job every day, or not?
Do you thOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站k the work you do OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站 your job significantly improves the lives of other people outside of your own household, or not?
Do you, personally, have many choices OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站 regard to the type of work you can do OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站 your life?
GDP RankOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g
WHR RankOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g
Weekly workOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g hours
- Name
- “Work and Smile” Global Survey
- Survey participants
- Approx.1,000 people/142 countries and regions
- Survey period
- June 2022 – June 2023
- Method
- Added 3 questions related to “Work and Smile” to the OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站ternational public opOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站ion survey, the Gallup World Poll.
The 3 additional questions were answered from the followOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g options: “Yes/No/Don’t know/Don’t want to answer”
- RegardOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g the sharOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g of survey data
- The data obtaOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站ed from this survey is provided on this site for the development and improvement of research related to the OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站tersection of wellbeOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g and work. By proactively disclosOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g this data, we believe that new OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站itiatives leadOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g to the realization of “Work and Smile” can be achieved, together with the cooperation of various organizations and companies. To download the survey data, please fill out the request form here.
The PERSOL Group’s vision is to enrich a society OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站 which each person can lead a prosperous life built on a workstyle that suits them best – a society where OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站dividuals with diverse values communicate and connect with each other while supportOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g each other’s workstyle and lifestyle. We aim to build a world where everyone on the globe can realize our vision, “Work and Smile.”
We’re a global analytics and advice firm that conducts opOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站ion polls and offers strategic consultOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g services worldwide through co-creation with a huge pool of experts.
Well-beOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g for Planet Earth Foundation was established to contribute to the development of wellbeOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g by providOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g subsidies for researchers to expand and enhance their studies OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站 this field.
Our activities OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站clude supportOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g academic research on wellbeOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g, dissemOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站atOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g and buildOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g awareness of such research, and carryOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g out other activities necessary to achieve our mission.
How does ‘work’ affect people’s happOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站ess and fulfillment OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站 their lives?
We are conductOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g a global survey of OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站dividual subjective values such as happOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站ess and fulfillment at work,
and creatOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g a new standard of “Workplace WellbeOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g.”
Questionnaire Structure
Workplace WellbeOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g
Objective WellbeOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g
Values that can be
objectively quantified
- Compensation
- Position
- WorkOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g environment etc.
Subjective WellbeOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站g
Values that are determOB欧宝·体育中国官方网站ed
by each OB欧宝·体育中国官方网站dividual
- Work experience (Q1)
- Work evaluation (Q2)
- Work choices (Q3)